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[Event Report] The 10th Semester of Health Policy Academy: Short Presentation Session (December 2, 2021)

[Event Report] The 10th Semester of Health Policy Academy: Short Presentation Session (December 2, 2021)

At the last study group session in the 10th semester of Health Policy Academy, we held a session for sharing short presentations over two days.

With the new lifestyle brought by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic in mind, the program has been held in a blended format throughout the semester.

At the short presentation session, each student gave a presentation on the theme of ”Health Policy from My Perspective.” The presentations were inspired by each student’s individual experiences as well as the Health Policy Academy programs. After each presentation, Q&A and interactive discussion with HGPI Board Member Mr. Kohei Onozaki took place.

■ Study Group Session Program
Session 1: Healthcare Finances – Increase in out-of-pocket medical expenses for the elderly
Session 2: The Medical Service Fee Regulation – Options for payment system
Session 3: Pharmaceutical and Medical Device – Active recommendation for HPV vaccine
Session 4: Community Healthcare Delivery – List of 424 hospitals recommended for reorganisation
Session 5: Short Presentation – “Health Policy from My Perspective”
Session 6: Short Presentation – “Health Policy from My Perspective”

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